John Lam (ex-RubyCLR, now Microsoftian) Hints At Forthcoming Announcement

John Lam, whose RubyCLR bridge led to a position in Microsoft's CLR team, hints that an announcement on his project (my guess, X:Ruby::C#:Java) will be forthcoming. Sadly, he hedges as to whether it will be MIX or PDC. Of course, I'll be going to PDC, but if …

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Mandelbrot Shader: Holy Effing Crap!

Absolute times to calculate a fixed range of the Mandelbrot set:

Machine Concurrency Language Time

Dual-Opteron Singlethreaded C# \~0.81

Dual-Opteron Multithreaded C# \~0.45

Dual-Opteron Singlethreaded C++ \~0.50

Dual-Opteron Multithreaded C++ \~0.38

XBox 360 Singlethreaded C# \~4.4

XBox 360 Multithreaded C# \~2.1

XBox 360\ GPU …

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XNA Multithreading: Must Set Processor Affinity Manually

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Ah, that's more like it. This is a graph of duration (in seconds) versus the number of threads during a calculation of a Mandelbrot set using the XNA Framework on the XBox 360 (Neil: The previous graph …

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XNA Multithreading: Built On A Throne of Lies?

UPDATE: See this new post ~~It looks like XNA does not distribute processing across the multiple cores of the 360:~~

This is identical code (a Mandelbrot calculation of a fixed size) running with multiple threads. While my desktop machine speeds up with more threads (peaking at 3), the XBox 360 …

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My First XNA Program: Up And Running on the 360

Sweet. Stay tuned for performance benchmarks, concurrency and GPGPU programming experiments on the 360, and maybe even some games...Maybe even a domain-specific language for writing board games.

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Modified Snapshot Pattern

Here's a good pattern to use when you have a domain object that combines non-varying and time-varying data. Perrin's modified the original pattern to use generics: a good choice. (Why is it a good choice? Because objects that combine these two types of data are usually conceived of in a …

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John Lam (RubyCLR) Joins MSFT

John Lam, whose RubyCLR bridge has been a fascinating and seemingly highly-successful project, is joining Microsoft. Details are vague, but he says he'll "be working in the CLR team" and "I'm not going to leave the Ruby community" but makes it pretty clear that he's looking to hand off the …

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Vista Server Core

Scott Swigart describes Vista Server Core, a GUI-less version of Vista. While I quite like the idea (not just for resources, but because a purely command-line driven server facilitates a shift towards scripting repetitive tasks), there is a deep irony that this version of Vista does not support the .NET …

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Made In Express Winners Announced: I Call "Shenanigans!"

The Made In Express contest is over, with the winner being an "All Terrain Self-Maneuverable Robot." This is unfair for at least two reasons:

  1. It's a group entry ("Group entries will not be accepted"), and
  2. It's been under development for years

I downloaded the source to the robot and the …

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Microsoft DSL Tools: Rosetta Stone Needed (Calc Anyone?)

Twenty minutes ago I was throwing up my hands in despair at the C# code being generated by ANTLR and, turning to my blogreader, saw that Microsoft has released the documentation for their DSL (Domain-Specific Language) tools. Boy, is that a frustrating set of Web pages.

I'm all for revisiting …

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