30K application lines + 110K testing lines: Evidence of...?

I recently wrote an encomium to ResolverOne, the IronPython-based spreadsheet:

[T]heir use of pair programming and test-driven development has delivered high productivity; of the 140,000 lines of code, 110,000 are tests....ResolverOne has been in development for roughly two years, is written in a language without explicit …

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Microsoft's StartKey: Computer Environment on a USB Stick. I've Experienced This Before and It's Awesome

StartKey will be a technology that allows you to carry your Windows logon around on a USB keychain. Early reaction is mixed as to the value of this, but I loved something similar when I worked for a company developing software for Sun JavaStation network computers.

With JavaStation's, you had …

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Lang.NET Videos Up


Recommendations :

http://langnetsymposium.com/talks/Videos/1-05 - Lively Kernel - Dan Ingalls - Sun.wmv

http://langnetsymposium.com/talks/Videos/2-01 - Newspeak - Gilad Braha - Cadence.wmv

http://langnetsymposium.com/talks/Videos/3-08 - Cobra - Chuck Esterbrook.wmv http://langnetsymposium.com/talks/Videos/3-09 - Intentional - Magnus …

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Aging is the New Working

I was reading PC Magazine's 25th anniversary issue in which they have the evergreen "what will the future bring?" essays. I was struck by how much talk of medical stuff (nanobots, non-invasive diagnosis, ubiquitous this-and-that) there was. And then it struck me:


Just as they do with every damn …

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Shiny Buckshot Rather Than Silver Bullets

Wes Moise's musings on Supercompilation led me to this discussion of the the myth of the sufficiently smart compiler.

The "sufficiently smart compiler" is still trotted out regularly, even though the market has moved away from demanding even moderate attention to performance at the compiler level. Have you timed your …

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LOLCode: U R Obsoleted Ruby, Erlang, F#

\<a href="http://blog.notdot.net/archives/32-LOLCode.net-Now-your-LOLCats-can-use-the-CLR!.html"" target="_blank" atomicselection="true" rel="noopener noreferrer">

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Bash Ups

With the release to public beta of Popfly, Microsoft's mashup editor, I'll reiterate my theory that mashups are the UNIX shell of the Internet. The corollary is that we need a suite of command equivalents:

Command Mashup Alternative cd, mkdir, rmdir facilities for manipulating "current URI"; REST principles, etc. mailx …

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Supply & demand? Outsourcing backlash? CS grads average $53K out of school

[C]omputer-science grads saw their average starting salary offers grow by 4.5 percent last year alone. The new average salary for a job right out of college is now \$53,051. That's the highest amount this decade.

Starting salaries surge for computer science grads [Ars Technica]

Interesting. I still …

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LINQ + Reflection: Querying the Object Graph

Yuriy Solodkyy demonstrates the \<a href="http://weblogs.asp.net/ysolodkyy/archive/2007/10/07/using-linq-with-system-reflection-classes.aspx"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">combination of LINQ and Reflection APIs, a technique which could prove to be tremendously powerful and which strikes me as allowing LINQ-enabled languages to have a level of …

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C++0x to Incorporate Standard Threading Model

The working groups of the C++0x committee are working hard to complete a major new standard for C++ (there's a big meeting here in Kona in October). If you're not intimate with C++, you may be surprised that such an important language has not had a standard threading model …

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